The following list of products and tools provide web application security scanner functionality. Note that the tools on this list are not being endorsed by the Web Application Security Consortium - any tool that provides web application security scanning functionality will be listed here. If you know of a tool that should be added to this list, please contact Brian Shura at bshura73@gmail.com.
Commercial Tools
- Acunetix WVS by Acunetix
- AppScan by IBM
- Burp Suite Professional by PortSwigger
- Hailstorm by Cenzic
- MileScan Web Security Auditor by MileSCAN Technologies
- N-Stalker by N-Stalker
- Nessus by Tenable Network Security
- NetSparker by Mavituna Security
- NeXpose by Rapid7
- NTOSpider by NTObjectives
- Retina Web Security Scanner by eEye Digital Security
- WebApp360 by nCircle
- WebInspect by HP
- WebKing by Parasoft
Software-as-a-Service Providers
- AppScan OnDemand by IBM
- ClickToSecure by Cenzic
- QualysGuard Web Application Scanning by Qualys
- Sentinel by WhiteHat
- Veracode Web Application Security by Veracode
- WebInspect by HP
- WebScanService by Elanize KG
Free / Open Source Tools
- Grabber by Romain Gaucher
- Grendel-Scan by David Byrne and Eric Duprey
- Paros by Chinotec
- Powerfuzzer by Marcin Kozlowski
- SecurityQA Toolbar by iSEC Partners
- W3AF by Andres Riancho
- Wapiti by Nicolas Surribas
출처 : http://projects.webappsec.org